Sponsor Spotlight: Bluehost

logo-sponsor-bluehostWordCamp Hamilton Platinum sponsor, Bluehost, is likely a familiar name to many attendees.

Since 1996, they’ve been providing quality web hosting solutions to businesses and individuals with one goal – to provide outstanding services for the best possible price. To achieve these goals they’re constantly innovating and upgrading their services at no additional cost to their customers.

In particular for new self-hosted WordPress websites, BlueHost offers amazing services, excellent WordPress infrastructure, all at incredible value. Even their basic plans allow you to have unlimited disk space, unlimited domains, and offer a powerful administration panel to take care of all of your web hosting needs.

So thank you BlueHost for supporting WordCamp Hamilton!


About Dale Mugford

Co-founder, BraveNewCode. We developed WPtouch, WordTwit & Piggy plugins for WordPress. Have made over 50 websites with WordPress. Longtime user, lover and promoter of WordPress!
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