Sponsor Spotlight: Poly Studio & pdfPictures

Poly-logo-FC-hrPoly Studio was founded in Hamilton by Jamie Lawson and Marlon Lulgjuraj in 2011 after having spent the better part of a decade working together at a small design studio. Early on, they discovered a mutual enthusiasm for the finer things (movies, art, science fiction, nice chairs) and developed a strong working relationship through many shared successes and sufferings.

With extensive experience in developing creative solutions across diverse media, including logo design, web development, brand strategy, packaging and custom lettering – Poly strives to create sincere and meaningful work, aiming to bring personality and passion into everything they do.

Poly has been utilizing WordPress as their main content management system for a number of years now and their clients love the ease of use, while Jamie & Marlon both love its flexibility and that it will remain open source with such a well supported community.




pdfpicturespdfPictures is a full service digital media production company that specializes in interactive rich media pdf and Apple iBook development.  Their team of in-house and free lance developers offers private individuals and corporations the capability to take traditional print and video materials and converge it to downloadable digital content for off line viewing via WordPress using their custom  “On The Fly server-side application.

pdfPictures offers web development companies the capability to create custom rich media downloadable PDF eBooks, Digital Magazines, Catalogues and eBrochures via a web browser. Their clients include major computer manufacturers such as Adobe, Apple and Dell, most of the major automotive companies such as  General Motors and Ford,  and a wide variety of tourism related companies such as the island of Aruba.

Their company is led by Robert Connolly who authored: Dynamic Media – Music, Video, Animation and the Web in Adobe PDF  for Pearson Publishing.  This book and companion CDROM set the stage for the introduction of Apples iBook Author, the new interactive rich media publishing platform for the iPad.  To learn how you can build a bridge that connects  on-line and offline digital media via WordPress and Adobe PDF, visit their website at  www.pdfpictures.com

About Dale Mugford

Co-founder, BraveNewCode. We developed WPtouch, WordTwit & Piggy plugins for WordPress. Have made over 50 websites with WordPress. Longtime user, lover and promoter of WordPress!
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